Free webinar for widowed people

Your Brain on Grief: 3 major brain changes, and what to do about it.

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This free webinar is for you if you've lost a spouse and....

  • You don't understand yourself or your brain.
  • You’re functioning again but without hope and without joy.
  • You have gotten good at putting on your game face for others but inside you don’t feel strong at all.
  • You feel misunderstood and unseen. Even those who love you don’t understand you.
  • The idea of waiting for time to heal sounds terrible.
  • Grief groups leave you feeling worse, not better.
  • You don't know who you are now. The very things that once were your identity are gone. Not only your identity as a spouse, but also your sense of purpose, your ability to be motivated, focused, and decisive.
  • You fear you’re doing it wrong. It seems to be getting worse instead of better.
  • You don’t see the way forward.

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You will:

  • Understand the top 3 brain changes that come with grief, and know exactly what to do about it, starting today.
  • Leave with a simple practice to help you feel better immediately.
  • Take the most efficient path forward in your healing.
  • Save time and unnecessary suffering. 

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Simply sign up below and watch the video now. 

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