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This free webinar is for you if you've lost your spouse and...
- You're concerned because you've heard that the second year is the worst, or....
- You're in the second year and finding it difficult.
- You think you should be further along by now.
- Your brain is still foggy.
- You have gotten good at putting on your game face for others but inside you don’t feel strong at all.
- You feel misunderstood and unseen.
- Your grief is silent: no one truly knows.
- Grief seems to be getting worse instead of better.
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After this training you will:
- Understand the myths and truths about year 2.
- Understand yourself better.
- Access new tools to control what can be controlled.
- Gain tools to help you interact with others, including those who don't "get it," and set boundaries when needed.
- Create a plan to take good care of you.
- Have a playlist of practical podcast episodes to support you as you navigate year 2.