Time alone doesn’t heal, but coaching can.
Mar 12, 2021
It’s easy to look around and see people who are stuck:
“Year 3 seems to be the beginning of the worst.”
“It’s been 7 long, sad and scary years.”
“Will the walls ever stop closing in on me? It’s been 4 of the longest years ever.”
“It’s been almost 2 years. I don’t know how to move on.”
Think of a gymnast who doesn’t have a coach. She is so involved in her own body as she performs her maneuvers, she can’t possible step back and see the bigger picture, analyze her blind spots and know what’s missing.
It’s the same with our life after loss: we are so in the thick of it, sometimes consumed by it and always up close and personal with it. A coach who has walked the journey has a unique perspective to offer.
Because so many people are hurting, I have recently offered free, private coaching. Each time, my calendar booked up fast, and I received emails from those who didn’t get a spot. Therefore, on Thursday, March 11th I will again be offering private coaching (only 4 spots available) as well as group coaching (100 spots available). If you’re on my email list, you will receive the links for each on 3/5/2021.
What is coaching?
“Coaching came into existence to fill an unmet need, which coincided with the shift away from a model of psychological illness, and toward the humanistic ideal of wellness. And growth.” -Vikki Brock
Working with a coach is to have a partner to help you get clear on where you are now, where you want to go and the most efficient way to get there. A coach will help you identify blind spots, challenge beliefs and assist you in finding way points on your journey, on your terms.
Coaching or therapy?
Coaching can be synergistic with therapy; the two can happen simultaneously, or coaching may follow once therapy has been completed. For some people, finding a coach is right, for others, finding a therapist is right. Well trained coaches screen prospective clients and recognize and refer those who would be best served by therapy.
As a coach for widowed people, I believe that my clients are not broken and therefore don’t need fixing. Are they standing in a pile of wreckage that was once their life? Absolutely. Our work is to reconstruct that life. Yes, life can be brutal. But it can also be beautiful, including and especially life after loss.
If you’ve been hesitant to put your toe in the water of coaching, consider booking either a free private session (which are held by phone) or joining the free group coaching session (which is via Zoom).
If you join the group, you can do so anonymously. You will only see me, not other attendees. Likewise, other attendees cannot see your video or your name. If you want to be coached, you can raise your hand, but you still have the option of not showing your video and keeping your name as “anonymous.” You can also ask questions using the Q&A feature and I will answer them. Finally, you can just join and listen in. There is no pressure to interact at all.
Check your email for the links to participate.
I hope you’ll join. I want to help.
Learn more about Life Reconstructed.
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